English – Welcome A2.1

Who is the training for?

Toutes les personnes qui souhaitent en savoir plus, de manière pratique, sur la langue la plus utilisée au monde.


Level A1.2


At the end of this course, and depending on your personal work, you should be able, both written and spoken, to:

  • Exchange information on subjects of daily life: introduce yourself and your entourage, talk about your activities, your health; of your environment: accommodation, leisure, shops, travel, vacations…
  • Describe and compare places (city, neighbourhood, home, etc.), people, objects
  • Asking and giving advice, indications

Course document:



Can understand frequently used phrases and expressions related to areas of immediate relevance (eg, very basic personal and family information, shopping, local geography, employment).
Can communicate in simple, routine tasks requiring a simple and direct exchange of information on familiar and routine matters.
Can describe in layman’s terms aspects of their background, immediate environment, and issues in areas of immediate need.

Teaching methods

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Certificate, diploma

OHC ASBL Certificat

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