Nanny / Baby Sitter


Who is the training for?

  • Personnes qui travaillaient chez de familles privées
  • Personnes qui veulent remplacer en crèche
  • Personnes qui veulent faire de baby-sitting
  • Patrons qui veulent donner de la formation à leurs employés


Course document:



Niveau de scolarisation: 9ème – maîtrise du français (parlé et écrit)


The advancement of women in the labor market is the source of a new sector of economic activity. The creation of spaces, where children can stay while their parents work.

Children have been in childcare spaces since their first months of life (2,5 or 3 months). Parents are looking for establishments in compliance with the laws, having responsible and competent professionals.

The “Chèque-Service Accueil” service offers parents assistance with childcare costs, the “Foyer du Jour” or in private (parental assistant). The strong growth in this field in recent years has increased the need for qualified professionals in the “early childhood” sector.

In the Babysitter/Nursery course you will learn the work routine in the crèche, the Daycare Center or as a Parental Assistant. Care, play activities and what it takes to succeed in this rewarding profession.

At the end of the Baby-Sitter course you are ready to:
  • Interact and trust parents
  • Develop fun and recreational activities for children
  • Coping with unforeseen events that may occur in an early childhood institution


No Curso de Berçarista, você aprenderá qual é a rotina de trabalho no Berçário, os principais cuidados necessários, as brincadeiras e o que é necessário para ter sucesso nesta profissão tão gratificante.

It is called crianças e sente atraído (a) pelo ambiente escolar, o Curso de Berçarista vai auxiliá-lo (a) a ingressar neste mercado de trabalho promissor.

Ao final do Curso de Berçarista, você estará pronto (a) para:
  • Interact e passar confiança aos pais
  • Desenvolver atividades divertidas e lúdicas para as crianças
  • Lidar com os imprevistos que podem ocorrer em um berçário


The main topics of the Nursery Course are:

Unit 1 – Contextualization of the activity
  • Constitution: Children’s Rights
  • Nursery: skills and competences
  • Personal characteristics
  • How and where do Nurseries work?
Unit 2 – The practice of early childhood education
  • Taking care of newborn children
  • Playful in support of Early Childhood Education
  • Organizing the teaching environment
  • Leisure and learning activities
Unit 3 – Pedagogical aspect
  • Criteria for forming groups
  • Cultural plurality in early childhood education
  • School X Family Partnership
  • Special education
Unit 4 – Recreation
  • The first days
  • The child’s cry
  • Tips to the Nursery
  • The importance of the toy library
  • Conclusion


OHC – ASBL Certificat

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